It is important to know the health services available in our community. These services are concerned with the disease prevention and in the maintenance and promotion of health. Health programs are also important in maintaining and promoting one’s health. The health insurance is the answer to growing health care problems. There are two types of health care insurance programs, the public and the private programs. The Government Insurance System (GSIS) and the Social Security System (SSS) are both concerned with the health care of employees. GSIS is for government employees while SSS is for private employees. They pay for medical services rendered to the members. Philhealth is another program that helps all members and their dependents who have been hospitalized.

There are private health programs that protect people from the high costs of medical care. The Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) is the most common prepaid plan. This prepaid health care provides health services such as office visits or consultations, diagnostic tests, paid for in advance. HMOs emphasize preventive medicine such as providing periodic health checkup to all members.
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