Many people decide not to abuse drugs because they want to stay healthy and drug-free. They also know that drugs can damage their health and lives. There are people who thought of trying drugs but rejected the idea later. They know that the risks are too great and these may ruin their lives. They know that the most of the drugs that are illegally obtained. If they will buy and use illegal drugs, they may get arrested for breaking the law. Buying illegal drugs is a waste of money, and people who do not use or buy drugs realize that they can spend their money in better ways.

Other reasons why people decide not to abuse drugs are the following:
1. Drugs dependents commit crimes in order to get money to support their dependency.
2. Any good feeling that drugs might give is temporary and wears off quickly.
3. Drug abuse is expensive.
4. There are other exciting, worthwhile activities that can improve health rather than taking drugs.
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